Menstruation, is it normal?
Every adolescent whether boy or girl as they grow they experience body changes and growth which is also known as puberty. This is a process where the body changes from a child to an adult.
For girls when you reach this stage you start doing menstruation every month. This is a normal process that every girls goes through when they reach puberty. This shows that your eggs have started maturing and you can get pregnant if you have unprotected sex with a guy. Every month an egg is released from your ovary into the fallopian tubes. If it does not meet any sperm to fertilize it, it decomposes. During the time that the girl is releasing the egg which is also known as ovulation, the uterus wall thickens in preparation of receiving a fertilized egg. If the egg is not fertilized the girl starts discharging blood from the lining of the uterus and this process is called menstruation and it usually takes 4 to 7 days.
When a girl starts menstruating, it is a sign that she can get pregnant if she has unprotected sex with a guy. It is therefore important that when a girl starts menstruation she should use modern contraceptives whenever she wants to have sex with someone to prevent unplanned pregnancy or contracting sexually transmitted infections including HIV.
Chikundichitikira ndi chiyani?
Ndili ndi zaka 13 ndipo ndikumatuluka magazi kumaliseche kwanga nthawi zina. Zikundipatsa nkhawa chifukwa sindikudziwa kuti ndikuyenera kutani kuti izi zisiye. Mmimba mwanga mukumapweteka ndipo panti wanga akumakhalira kunyowa ndi magazi. Amzanga ena akunena kuti izi ndi zoopsa ndipo nditha kufa. Komano ku sukulu kwathu aphunzitsi anatiphunzitsako kuti mtsikana akamakula amayamba kutuluka magazi mwezi ulionse nthawi yake ikafika ndipo amati ndi piliyodi.
Kodi tidziti ndayambayi ndi piliyodi? Nanga ngati si piliyodi ndikuyenera kutani kuti izi zisiye? Kodi sindifa ngati momwe akunenera anzanga aja?
Choyambilira kudziwa ndi chakuti mtsikana aliyense amakhala ndi mazira ndipo imafika nthawi ina pomwe mazirawa amayamba kukhwima ndipo chiberekero chimakonzeka kulandira mwana. Panthawi imeneyi ngati mtsikana wagona ndi mwamuna mosadziteteza amatha kutenga mimba koma ngati sanagone ndi mwamuna dzira lija limasweka. Izi zimachititsa kuti magazi ayambe kutuluka kumaliseche ake yomwe timaitcha kuti piliyodi kapena kuti msambo. Mtsikana aliyense amafika pamsinkhu umenewu ndipo palibe chiopsezo chilichonse chomwe chilipo ngati munthu wayamba kupanga piliyodi. Ngati ukumva kuwawa panthawi yomwe ukupanga msambo kapena peliodi, ukuyenera kumwa mankhwala ochepetsa ululu kapena kupita kuchipatala kukaonana ndi adotolo. Chinanso chofunikira kwambiri ndikuonetsetsa kuti ukudzisamala bwino panthawi yomwe ukupanga piliyodi yako pogwiritsa ntchito zipangizo monga ma pad, cotton kapena nyanda.
Ngati mtsikana wakumana ndi zina mu yengo imeneyi athanso kuyimba foni ya ulere ya Tihandizane Helpline 116 ndi kupeza uphungu. Izi zimakhala za chinsisi ndipo mutha kuyimba foni nthawi iliyonse.