I’m afraid to tell him to practice safe sex.
My name is Salome and I’m 18 years old. I have a boyfriend and we have been having unprotected sex. I wish we could be using a condom whenever we are having sex but I’m afraid that if I tell him to start using a condom, he might end the relationship and it will not be easy for me to find another boyfriend. What should I do because I know that I risk contracting STIs or get pregnant if I do not go for safe sex?
Dear Salome, let me thank you for opening up on what is really troubling you. It is good that you know the consequences of engaging in unprotected sex such as getting pregnant and contracting STIs including HIV. You have to be courageous and open enough to tell your boyfriend on your decision and the need for the two of you to practice safe sex.
Do not be afraid that he will leave you and if he decides to leave you then he doesn’t care and respect you as his girlfriend. You do not have to doubt yourself and do not be afraid that you might not find another boyfriend in future. You have to stand up for your life choices and be courageous enough to defend them for the betterment of your future.
Ndikuopa kumuuza bwenzi langa kuti tidzigonana modziteteza
Ndine Salome ndipo ndili ndi zaka 18 zakubadwa. Ndili ndi chibwezi ndipo timagonana koma osadziteteza. Ndimafuna titamagonana naye modziteteza koma ndimaopa kuti ndikamuuza atha kuthetsa chibwezi ndipo zidzandivuta kupeza chibwenzi china. Ndichite bwanji chifukwa ndikudziwa kuti ndikudziika pachiopsezo choti nditha kutenga mimba kapena matenda opatsirana pogonana mosadziteteza?
Okondedwa Salome, choyambilira ndikuthokoze kaamba komasuka ndikufotokoza vuto lomwe ukukumana nalo. Ndichinthu chabwino kuti ukutha kuzindikira kuti kugonana ndi mamuna mosadziteteza umadziika pachiopsezo chotenga mimba kapena matenda opatsirana pogonana. Chomwe ukuyenera kuchita ndikulimba mtima ndikumufotokozera bwenzi lako kuti mukuyenera kumadziteteza panthawi yomwe mukuchita zogonana. Ukuyenera kuchotsa mantha oti akusiya ngati wamuuza izi. Akapanga chisankho choti akusiya ndiye kuti samakukonda komanso samakulemekeza chifukwa choti saganizira za tsogolo lako. Mtsikana sukuyenera kudzikaikira kuti mamuna wina sangakufunsire ngati winayu wathetsa chibwenzi. Ukuyenera kudzikhulupilira ndikuyima pa chisankho chomwe wapanga.