haven’t started my period, is anything wrong with me?
I’m Tadala and I’m 17 years old. All my friends of the same age have started their period except me. They don’t want to associate with me saying that I’m too young to hang out with them.
Please help me, I am worried. Is there anything wrong with me? Some of my friends who have started their monthly period are even younger than me.
What should I do because my friends are avoiding me saying that they cannot discuss certain things with me since I’m too young to understand things.
Please help me?
Firstly, let me thank you Tadala for seeking clarification and help on the doubts that you have. One thing that you have to understand is that puberty comes at different stages in different people. Some reach puberty earlier than others. You can agree with me that you look younger or older than some of your friends that were born the same year as you.
What I’m trying to say is that there is nothing wrong with you. Some people will start their period earlier due to genetic reasons, type food one consumes as well as the environment in which one lives. These can either delay or speed up the starting time for one’s menstruation, in other words, starting experiencing her monthly period.
These probably might be some of the reasons why you have not yet started your period. Most girls start their monthly period from 9 to 18 years. Therefore, you should not be worried, time will come when you will start your monthly period.
Sindinayambe kusamba/ piliyodi vuto lingakhale chani?
Dzina langa ndi Tadala ndipo ndine mtsikana wa zaka 17, ndili ndi azanga omwe ndi ofanana ndi zaka zanga ndipo iwo akumandisala posafuna kucheza nane chifukwa sindinayambe kusamba ngati iwo omwe anayamba kale kusamba.
Ndikumakhala ndi nkhawa kuti mwina ine ndili ndi vuto chifukwa zaka zanga ndi zofanana ndi anzanga omwe adayamba kale ndipo ena mwa iwo ali ndi zaka zochepera kuposa zanga.
Nthawi zonse ndikumadzifunsa kuti kodi ndingatani kuti nanenso ndiyambe kusamba ngati anzanga chifukwa pano anzangawa akumati sangakambe nkhani ndi ine chifukwa ndine mwana ndipo nkhani zina sindingazidziwe.
Kodi vuto langa lingakhale chani?
Ndikuthokoze kwambiri Tadala chifukwa chofuna kuchotsa nkhawa zako popeza upangiri oyenera. Poyamba ukuyenera kudziwa kuti kukula kumachitika mosiyanasiyana. Utha kundikhulupilira kuti ena mwa anzako ndiochepa msinkhu kwa iweyo kapena iweyo ndiochepa msinkhu kwa anzako ena omwe unabadwa nawo chaka chimodzi. Ena amakhala ndi matupi okula msanga pomwe ena amachedwelapo.
Chomwe ndikufuna kutanthauza ndichakuti palibe vuto lina lililonse ndi thupi lako. Matupi athu amakhala osiyana ena amakula msanga chifukwa cha kumtundu kwawo komanso zakudya zimene amadya. Nyengo ya komwe munthu wakulira imathanso kukhudza nthawi yomwe mtsikana angathe msinkhu.
Ndikutheka kuti chimodzi mwa chifukwachi ndi chomwe chikupangitsa kuti uchedwelepo kutha msinkhu. Ukuyenera kudziwa kuti atsikana ambiri amatha msinkhu kuyambira zaka 9 mpaka 18. Ndiye usadere nkhawa nthawi idzafika kuti udzayambe msambo kapena kuti piliyodi.
Tadala don’t worry u are still glowing ok. In short u are still young