Accessing information on sex
As young people grow up they become curious about various things and one of them is sex.
Young people, mostly access information about sex on the internet, newspapers, radio and magazines.
However, some of the information which they get mislead them because they are not age appropriate, they lack credibility and relevant expertise, hence most of them resort to silence and never talk about it. Others also end up using the unchecked information which they share with friends which end up affecting their decisions making negatively.
In the year 2010, the Malawi Government established the youth friendly health services-YFHS as a mechanism for young people to access information and services on sexual reproduction. The services are also aimed at helping the youth to make right choices and decisions about their health. Through YFHS young people also access modern contraceptive methods.
Previously, young people have been going to the hospitals to access such information and services just like adults but with the introduction of YFHS things have improved despite some youths in other areas still facing challenges.
Nevertheless, young people need to visit their nearby health facilities regularly to access the right information on sexual and reproductive health services, express their concerns and acquire the right knowledge.
If you have any questions on sex, call Tithandizane Helpline toll free line 116 or visit your nearest Youth friendly health facility for more information or visit any YONECO Drop in Centre
Komwe achinyamata amakapeza mauthenga a nkhani zokhudza zogonana.
Achinyamata akamakula amakhala akufuna kudziwa zinthu zambiri ndipo imodzi mwa zinthunzo ndinkhani yokhudza kugonana kuti ndi chani, amatani komanso ubwino ndikuipa kogonana.
Mauthenga amenewa amawapeza kuchokera kwa anzawo, tsamba la internet, kanema nyuzipepala, magazine komanso pawailesi.
Ena mwa mauthenga amenewa amatha kuwasokoneza achinyamata chifukwa chosowekera upangiri oyenelera okhudza nkhani zogonana chifukwa achinyamata samakhala omasuka kukamba nkhani zogonana.
Kupatula apo achinyamata samatha kufunsa zambiri za nkhani zogonana kwa achikulire komanso alangizi oyenera.
Mchaka cha 2010 boma linakhanzikisa njira ofuna kuwathandiza achinyamata kuti azikapezako mauthenga ndi upangiri okhudza nkhani zogonana komanso upangiri omwe ungawathandize kupanga zisankho zoyenera pankhani yogonana komwenso angakatenge njira zodzitetezera kumatenda opatsirana pogonana komanso uchember wabwino yotchedwa thandizo la zaumoyo zokomera achinyamata.
Ndipo munzaka zapitazi taona achinyamata akufikira zipatalazi kukapeza mauthenga pankhani zogonana ngakhale siwonse amene amakapeza mauthengawa.
Pofuna kudziwa zambiri zokhudza njira zogonana achinamata akuyenera kupita kuzipatala zomwe ali nazo pafupi zokomera achinyamata komwe anagakayankhidwe mafunso onse alinawo komanso nkhawa zawo pankhani zokhudza kugonana.