Online Dating
Online dating is becoming rampant these days. Communication has been made easy with the improved technology and I must say, young people have also benefitted from this technology in one way or another. Young people say with social media its now easy to ask a girl out than it was sometime back. It no news that people are dating through online and some have even married their partners whom they met online.
People use the social media for different reasons and these include, business, networking, finding partners and getting information just to mention but a few. Online dating can be real or fake depending on the intentions of the people in the relationship. Some date with the intention of wanting to know the partner and settle down, some do it for fun while others do it to defraud the other. Either way, you have to be careful with online dating before you commit yourself to such relationships.
Sometimes people pretend to be who they are not on the internet. Others have fall in love with someone they saw on social media and after they met they were heart broken and disappointed because the person turned out to be different from the one they saw and interacted with on the internet. Others have lost money after the person they were dating online asked them to send money so that they can process their travel so that they can meet or even asking them to start preparations for their wedding while some have risked being trafficked because of dating the wrong people through online.
It is therefore to always make proper research before you start sharing your personal details with someone who has expressed interest in you on the social media. Dating online is not wrong but you need to verify about a partner that you meet online and probe more into their real life to avoid being tricked, abused and bullied.
If you have questions on how you can find out whether the one asking you out on the social media is real or a cheat, call Tithandizane Helpline toll free line-116