Can a boy and a girl just be friends without having sex?
When a girl and a boy are friends people tend to question their friendship. People believe that a boy and a girl cannot just be friends and be helping each other with different things without necessarily having sex. But what’s your take on this?
I know that some of you think that it is possible for a girl and a boy to just be friends without having sex while others think it’s not. However, the truth of the matter is that a boy and a girl can truly just be friends without having sex. When a boy and a girl are friends they discuss a lot of things beyond sex, they also discuss social issues like education, economics and how they can achieve their goals.
Some parents have forced their children not to keep friends of the opposite sex saying that they might indulge in behaviors that can jeopardize their future. However, one thing you have to know is that boys and girls can be friends without having sex, they can help each other with school assignments, business ideas and other things that can help them realize their goals. It is important to choose your friends wisely, those that share your dreams and supports you.
For more information on how you can choose good friends, call Tithandizane Helpline toll free line-116 or visit YONECO Drop in Centers.
Take note guys: Cool guys wait and indulges in sex when they are ready