How to deal with sexual feelings
It is normal for a girl or a boy who has reached puberty to have sexual feelings.
There are different factors that makes someone to have sexual feelings. These include, the food that we eat, imagining yourself having sex with someone and drugs and substance abuse among others.
Most of the times, when one has sexual feelings he or she desires to have sex with someone to satisfy the sexual feelings. However, this brings a lot of problems including unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and HIV among other things. All these problems contribute to acute poverty and in some instances death among adolescents.
One can deal with sexual feelings by not necessarily having sex with someone.
Some of the things that you can do to deal with sexual desires include the following:
- Avoid being in a quiet and hidden place with your loved one.
- Taking a cold bath.
- Doing physical exercises like jogging and playing football or netball.
- Avoid discussing sexual issues with your friends.
- Avoid watching pornographic materials including movies, listening to some songs and magazines among others which can further arouse your feelings.
Please note that watching pornographic materials can stimulate sexual feelings and it is important to avoid these things. Drugs and substance abuse is also one thing that can influence someone to have sex. Therefore, it is important for you to avoid using drugs and abusing substances.