Sexual Transmitted Infections
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is an infection transmitted through sexual contact, caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. This can be oral sex, vaginal or anal sex with another person who already has an STI.
The infections start through the viruses that enter one’s body through un- protected sexual intercourse. There are various types of STIs and the causes vary from one type to the other with some being caused by viruses and others bacteria.
The most common STIs in Malawi include syphilis, candidiasis, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B and chancroids and many others. The viruses and the bacteria that cause STIs spread through saliva and blood. Consistent use of condoms whenever you are having sex is one of the strong measures to prevent yourself from contracting STIs and HIV.
Some STIs have treatment while some do not have treatment like HIV. Using a condom for all types of sex is the best way to avoid STIs and HIV. Vaccines can prevent certain STIs like genital warts and hepatitis B. you can protect yourself from contracting STIs by among other things having one sexual partner, abstaining from excessive abuse and use of drugs and alcohol as well as using a condom whenever you are having sex.
Find out more information related to STIs by visiting your nearest youth health facility or you can call the Tithandizane Helpline toll free line 116. You can also visit YONECO Drop In Centers as well as youth clubs in your respective areas.