Signs and Symptoms of STIs.
My name is Stephano and I’m 19 years old. I have a sexual partner whom we have been having sex for a quite some time now. Its three weeks now since I and my partner had sex but something strange is happening with my penis which has developed some sores on the foreskin and it is so itchy. Sometimes I feel pain when urinating. What can be the problem? I’m I supposed to worry about this? Help me.
Dear Stephano, according to your explanation, these can be the signs and symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Infections {STIs}. There are so many types of STIs which include syphilis, candidiasis, hepatitis B and gonorrhea among others. You can contract STIs if you have unprotected sex with someone who is infected. This can be oral, vaginal or anal sex, in some instances STIs can be passed on from mother to child if the parent had an untreated STI. Sometimes if not treated, STIs can cause infertility, brain damage heart disease and birth defects just to mention a few.
Stephano, you need to go to the hospital so that you can be checked if you have STIs or not. If you are diagnosed with an STIs you will be given treatment hence avoiding all the effects that come with STIs.
Find out more information related to STIs by visiting your nearest youth friendly health facility or you can call Tithandizane Helpline toll free line for YONECO-116. You can also visit YONECO drop in Centers or any youth club in your area.