Toxic relationships
Toxic relationships are characterized by lack of trust and understanding, anger and different kind of abuses among others. Partners may become abusive for trivial things and sometimes if they drink excessively, abuse and use of drugs and substances and mostly all they want in the relationship is sex.
Toxic relationships are very dangerous and they can result in physical injury, emotional and psychological trauma and death in extreme situations. However, it is not always easy for someone to realize that they are in a toxic or abusive relationships because the partner buys them gifts overtime they do something bad to them to make up for their unkind behavior. This makes the victim to make excuses for their partner’s indecent behavior and hopes for the day when they will change.
To continue staying in this type of a relationship you compromise your chances of attaining your dreams as sometimes you start questioning your worth and existence. You doubt your capability as a person and think that you don’t know how to do things right as every time your partner does not appreciate the things that you do for them.
You can call Tithandizane Helpline toll free line 116 or 5600 for counselling and guidance or visit YONECO Drop in Centre.