Sexual violence is a form of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and encompasses any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting (UN OHCHR).
How Sexual Violence is manifested.
People are forced to do something against their will through;
- Violence
- Coercion
- Threats
- Deception,
- Cultural expectations
- Economic means.
- Among other things
Forms of Sexual Violence
Sexual violence takes multiple forms and includes;
- Rape
- Sexual abuse
- Forced pregnancy
- Forced sterilization
- Forced abortion
- Forced prostitution
- Trafficking for sexual exploitation
- Sexual enslavement,
- Forced circumcision,
- Castration
- Forced nudity.
Why Report Sexual Violence
The effects of sexual violence often become worse if a survivor does not report or seek help.
Reporting allows survivors of sexual violence to access medical, psychosocial and legal services to minimize the impact of the violence on their health and also allow perpetrators to be held accountable. Particularly, seeking help helps one to;
- Heal physically and psychologically
- Prevent pregnancy
- Prevent
For more information, contact the Let’s Chill Counsellors or call the following toll-free helplines: 116, 5600 or 393