Making right choices
Young people meet and experience various things in life as they are growing up. Some of these are learnt from different people and at different places such as schools or in communities which they live. Due to various influences some young people end up making wrong decisions and choices. These include having multiple sexual partners, using drugs and drinking alcohol excessively.
Such behaviors risk their lives as most of the times they engage in unprotected sex with the multiple partners which result in them contracting sexually transmitted infections including HIV and unplanned pregnancy. This affects their chances of attaining their goals in the end.
Sometimes young people starts stealing so that they can cope with their friends who are living a lavishing life and seem to have a lot of money every time. However, this has landed some of them in trouble like being arrested by the police which affects their future in the end.
As young people lets safeguard our future and do not let anyone force us to do things that might threaten our future. Let us not make choices to impress our friends while we are putting our life and future at risk. Make your health and future a priority and guard them jealously.
Remember you only live once, make the best out of life while you are still alive!!
Kupanga zisankho zoyenera
Pamene wachinyamata watha msikhu amakumana ndizosiyana siyana pa moyo wake kaya ndiku sukulu kapena kudera komwe akukhala,amacheza ndi azinzake ena amakhalidwe a bwino ena khalidwe loipa.
Izi zimapangitsa wachinyamata kukhala ndi mtima wosilira makhalidwe ena osokoneza(peer pressure) ena mwamakhalidwe amenewa ndi kukhala ndi zibwenzi zosiyansiyana zogonana nazo mosaziteteza chifukwa chakuti akuwona achinyamata ena amudera akupanga zinthu ngati zimenezi,kukhala ndi ma ubwenzi ambirimbiri zikhoza kumupangitsa wachinyamata kutenga matenda mwansanga komanso kupezaka ndi mimba wosayembekezera,zomwe zitha kubweretsa ma vuto pa moyo wachinyama monga kusiya sukulu.
Achinyamata ena amayamba mkhalidwe wo kumwa mowa mwau chidankhwa kapena kugwiritsa ntchito ma nkhwala ozunguza ubongo monga kusuta chamba kamba kuti anzawo akupanga.
Achinyamata ena amayamba khalidwe lokuba kamba kuti amasilra anzawo akamakhala ndi zinthu zabwino,amapanga izi pofuna kuti azifanana, zomwe zitha kuwayika mu mavuto osiyanasiya monga kumangidwa kumene.
Chonde achinyamata tiyeni tipange zisakho za moyo wathu moyenera kuti moyo wathu wa tsiku ndi tsiku tiumve kukoma.
Youth tchewww………..