Healthy relationship
Communication, love, trust, respect is some of the important aspects of a good and healthy relationship.
When two people are in a love relationship they are supposed to be happy and none of them is supposed to fill like they are being forced to be in the relationships or even having sex with the other.
A healthy relationship is supposed to bring happiness and not sorrow to a person, there are several signs of a good and healthy relationship and some of them include the following:
- you have time for your family and relatives
- you have time to do other things for self-development
- It brings you peace of mind
- It is considerate of another person’s well-being.
For more information on good and healthy relationships, call Tithandizane Helpline Services Toll Free lines at YONECO-116 or visit YONECO Drop in Centers.
Chibwenzi chabwino
Chibwenzi chabwino pakati pa anthu awiri omwe ali mchikondi ndi pomwe pali kulumikizana komwe kumasamira pa kulemekezana, kukhulupirirana, kukhululukirana, kusabisa kanthu, kulankhulana moyenera, kulolerana ndinso kuthandizana.
Achikondi omwe ali pa chibwenzi chabwino amayenera kukhala pa chibwenzi womwe aliyense alibe nawo vuto ndipo m’modzi mwa iwo sakuyenera kumva ngati kuti akuchita kukakamizidwa kuti agonane ndi mzake.
Chibwenzi chabwino chimayenera kubweretsa chimwemwe chodzadza tsaya osati nkhawa m’moyo mwako.
Pali zizindikiro zambiri za chibwenzi chabwino pakati pa anthu awiri omwe ali mchikondi. Zizindikirozi ndi monga kukhala ndi mpata wozisamalira pawekha komanso kudzikhulupirira mwa iwe mwini posadalira ubwenzi wanu. Kukhala ndi mpata wopitiriza kucheza ndi anzako ndinso achibale komanso ochita zinthu zina. Kukhala ndi mpata wolankhulana zakukhosi mosawopa kuti zotsatira zake zikhala zotani, kumva mumtima kuti chilichonse chili bwino, kukhala ndi chidwi ndi chilichonse chomuchitikira wachikondi wako, kupatsana mpata wozisungira zinsinsi ndinso kupanga zinthu zina pawekha, komanso kuthetsa mkangano kapena kusamvana moyenera ndinso mofanana.
Koposaposa, achikondi omwe ali pa chibwenzi chabwino akuyenera kumakhululukirana ndinso kukhala ndi nthawi yocheza komanso kuchitira zinthu limodzi.
Pofuna kumva zambiri chonde mupezeni mlangizi wa pa chinzake, komanso pitani ku malo komwe mungapeze thandizo lokomera achinyamata kuchipatala chomwe muli nacho pafupi ndinso ku Tithandizane Helpline ya bungwe la Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO) poimba nambala ya ulele ya 116.